Thursday, December 21, 2023

Just Another Phase of Life

Kalau baca postingan-postingan awal blog ini, mengingatkan masa-masa galau saat masih usia muda, well pas umur 25 tahun, waktu itu sempat melabeli diri pada fase quarter life syndrome, as if I will live until 100 years. Life goes on, sekarang udah nyampe ke titik 42 tahun hidup.

Banyak cerita, peristiwa, suka duka, senang, sedih samapi tragedi pernah dilewati. Terlintas di pikiran, kalau hati ini pasti sudah cukup kuat, cukup terlatih menghadapi berbagai macam situasi dan kondisi. Hati yang sudah pernah tercabik-cabik, melewati berbagai pengkhianatan, terbuang, disingkirkan, bukanlah hal yang berat lagi.

Namun roda terus berputar, ada masa hati ini kembali lemah, harus berlatih lagi, seperti otot-otot tubuh kita, hati kitapun kadang merasa lelah dan lemah. Bukan kemunduran, hanya another phase of life, tahapan lain dalam hidup. Untuk bisa menjadi lebih dewasa, menjadi lebih memahami arti hidup. Mungkin karena itulah, orang tua bisa lebih kalem dalam menyikapi banyak hal.

Beberapa minggu sebelum menjadi 42, semua hal mendadak terasa sangat menyakitkan hati, hal-hal yang semula bisa diabaikan, mendadak terasa ngilu dan menyayat. Definisi dewasa yang semula berarti bisa mengabaikan hal-hal sepele yang mengecewakan. Dewasa adalah bisa mengacuhkan tindakan tidak menghormati diri ini.

Tiba-tiba semua hal terasa menyakitkan, air mata tak terbendung, hingga ada keinginan untuk melarikan diri dari situasi yang tidak mengenakkan ini. Beruntungnya, tahapan hidup kali ini, objek pelakunya bukanlah orang-orang penting dalam hidup ini. Sangat bersyukur, orang-orang terpenting dapat menjadi sumber kebahagiaan, tempat pelarian dari segala masalah.

Agak lama untuk menyadari bahwa ini adalah tahapan lain dalam hidup. Beberapa episode curhat untuk mencari jawaban. Menegasikan prasangka bahwa ada kemunduran pada kedewasaan diri, konfirmasi kewajaran perasaan yang terasa aneh. Bukan mencari pembenaran saja, namun justru karena merasa ada yang salah pada diri. 

Hingga bulan ini, hampir sebulan setelah 42 tahun hidup, terdapat penerimaan, bahwa memang ini hanya sebuah fase dalam hidup. Bukan mundur, namun lebih dewasa dalam memandang diri sendiri. Bahwa diri dan hati ini juga membutuhkan respek, bukan gila hormat, hanya apresiasi atas keberadaannya. Bahwa diri dan hati ini juga memiliki keinginan yang perlu didengar, bukan terus direpresi. 

Ada satu yang mengganjal, kebutuhan untuk mengekspresikan yang sangat berkurang dibanding masa muda dulu. Diri ini merasa lagi perlunya keributan dan pemecahan masalah atas konflik-konflik yang tercipta dengan orang-orang yang tidak memiliki posisi penting dalam hidup. Bahkan kalo perlu mendegradasi posisi orang yang sudah mengganggu hati dan diri ini.

Meski keputusan belum tentu benar, namun hanya ini yang saat ini mampu dijalani. Bersyukur orang terpenting dalam hidup mau memahami dan membebaskan diri mengambil keputusan. Kebebasan menyikapi berbagai hal yang kurang menyenangkan. 

Di akhir, saat ini hanya ingin bahagia bersama orang-orang terpenting dalam hidup......

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Mental health Issue

At first, I thought I would never feel this kind of feeling, a feeling that I couldn't describe clearly. I just feel anger piled up inside my chest. I always try to press it down, squeeze it, and fill my days with many things that will divert my brain to overthink about it.

However, that night.....I couldn't even close my eyes for even a second....not even once. I was very tired and weak in the morning, tried to do my morning routine, preparing the kids' lunchboxes, taking them to school, and Thursday paddling, just to make my body more tired so I could sleep directly once I reached home.

Once again, I only felt anxious, angry, and disoriented. I can't close my eyes yet......

I turned on binaural sounds from my spotify, after picking up the girls, an hour's nap was not a decent replacement for a sleepless night, but it was enough to clear up my head. That evening, I tried to talk about my feelings with my husband, analyzing what had happened to me. All the anger, the stuffy feelings inside my chest.

It helps, even though I can't write the details here, talking about things that I've been angry about helps me to define my feelings. Turned out, it was not only one, and that week I remembered there was one accident that made me feel like I was a total idiot and a disaster. And another simple thing that triggered me to be angry.

For the first time in my life, I feel that adult life already took away my carefree and selfish life. The suppression of feelings already turned me into a different person. I could not channel my disagreement, dislike, also hatred at some point, easily. 

I wish I would never experience the same things again. I will try to find an outlet to channel any unpleasant things.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Growing Pains

A serials that I watch during my teenage days, basically this series tell stories about psychological and emotional discomfort during adulthood. Usually the discomfort caused by thinking outside of our usual patterns that can create cognitive dissonance when long-held perspectives are challenged.
The serials shows how the family tackling their issue with a sense of humor, concerning with "growing pains" for their 3 kids through their adolescence years.

I just start to understand why it was called "growing pains", it truly pains that I felt to face the changing behavior of my daughter. Panically speakig, I'm questioning my ability as a mom. I tried to recall my childhood period, how I can pass that moment, but still it must be inapplicable today.

Watched "Turning Red" with family too....I still get out fro the cinema, questioning did I do the correct thing to help my daughter get through her growing pains?
Should I push her to the limit, so she can perform all out to show her ability?
Or should I just stay in the corner, become the spectator?
It's confusing for me, when I realize that every action will give psychological effect.

I should erase my thoughts that by the time our kids become teenager, we can let them to be independent, and I can start to work with my own life.
Turns out, there are lots of things that I should still learn.
It's not how to prepare healthy food, how to toilet training, or how to find a good nursery anymore.....
It's much much more than that.

All About Me

A girl who still in search of her own cup of coffee